The Last Cuentista Book Making


In Language Arts this year we read a book called The Last Cuentista. The Last Cuentista is a book about a girl on Earth named Petra who has to evacuate from Earth due to a crash from Halley’s Comet. Even if you survive the comet strike, the Earth would be uninhabitable. Therefore, Petra plans to evacuate earth to a planet called Sagan on a spaceship that looks like a cricket. This trip will take three hundred and eighty years.

Midway through the book we were assigned to make our dream planet (or our ideal world). My ideal world had the best of my imagination including: hot snow (where you can ski but not be cold), broccoli that tastes like watermelon and purple skies. Now that should be everyone’s dream! My planet would be in a universe close to my friends. You can get to other planets in my universe with a short rocket ride that leaves every hour. See my blog post for more details.

After the assignment about our world, we made our own art book about it with an amazing person named Peg Gignoux. Ms. Gignoux is an expert in art and taught us how to make our world come to life. One method that we used to make our paper background was a technique called Akua printing. This is when we roll paints on a plastic pad, get plants and flowers, then put paper on top and roll it with a roller. Since the paints could stain our clothes, we had to wear aprons. After we made our Akua prints, we pasted it into our book to make scenes about our planet. 

In conclusion, I really learned a lot and enjoyed this project. It makes reading much more fun and interesting when you get to use your imagination to build worlds and then  turn it into art. I think it would be great to do more projects like this in the future.

Jack’s Backpack


This Summer I read Finding Someplace. Finding Someplace is about a girl named Teresa, but everyone calls her Reesie. It was her 13th    birthday when Hurricane Katerina hit, and her parents weren’t in New Orleans. In order to stay safe, she had to hide in an old lady’s attic. She was in a time crunch and had to quickly shove several things into her backpack.

If I was in Reesie’s shoes, I would grab two sets of clothing because I like to stay clean. I would also grab a box of canned food or Spam in order to eat because Spam lasts longer than fresh food. Third, I would bring my phone and a huge power bank to charge my phone. I would also be wearing water shoes so I don’t have to worry about them getting wet. Next, I would bring a tent so I could have a place to live, assuming my house was wrecked in the hurricane. Next, I would bring a deodorant because I don’t want to be stinky, though it wouldn’t get rid of it all. Lastly, I would bring a photo of my family so I don’t feel lonely.